Our Services

Beyond the product and the service, the true wealth of LUX is unquestionably its human capital composed of global luxury partners who constantly question themselves, innovate, create, and invest to protect our values and develop our brand.

Voyage en avion


Who hasn’t ever wanted to explore the world ? LUX has done it and can do it for you.
Our secret ? See the world as a playground. Our motto is to think outside the box with our partners. A hidden restaurant, an inaccessible chunk of forest, a zero-gravity exhibition, doesn’t that sound ideal ? That’s what LUX can exclusively find for you

Don’t wait any longer, LUX is already your source of inspiration.


A delicacy for an exceptional person ! If you too are passionate about gastronomy, LUX is devoted to the challenging task of testing, discovering, and soon sharing with you the most beautiful places and the finest tables of global renown through our exclusive gourmet diary.

Let LUX delight your taste buds.



Fighting the lack of time is our core business.
At LUX we know how tedious it is to keep up with administrative obligations. That’s why we have established exclusive partnerships of various administrative departments (automotive, education, real estate, civil registration and more) to handle your tasks in record time.

Let LUX offer you serenity.

Fashion / Coaching

What if LUX becomes your personal assistant ?
Whether it’s a shopping’s afternoon, preparing yourself for a big event or running out of ideas for a birthday, LUX can guide you with the latest trends and innovations.
With the support of strong partners, LUX can take on the role of personalized coach. Training with a champion or a makeover with a celebrity hairstylist is now within your reach.

Emotion begins with perception, so it only takes a LUX to shine a thousand lights.

Fashion & Coaching


LUX is safe at every level.
And we know how essential it is to you. As a result, your travels, your home, your events and your personal data will benefit from our top specialists to ensure maximum safety and peace of mind.

LUX is looking after you.


Eating five fruits and vegetables is not the only motto of LUX !
That’s why thanks to our extensive network of experts in various sectors, we can guarantee you advanced medical support through our privileged collaborations. Leave us the endless phone calls and take care of yourself.

The LUX, is about health !

Siège de théâtre

Culture & Entertainment

LUX, a key in diversity.
If you fancy some entertainment, nothing is easier than our confidential cultural leaflet, filled with the most beautiful activities and the most mysterious representations. Who hasn’t dreamed of attending an anthological ballet in a coliseum or an audacious Formula One race hidden in the desert ? With LUX, we provide you this notebook in order to satisfy both your passions and your thrills.

You’re only one LUX away from dancing.


With a large range of transportation from an air balloon to a yacht ; LUX has many partners to meet all your needs. Whether on land, at sea or in the air, LUX follow you to each of your destinations.

Let LUX transport you faster than light.



Looking to light up your celebrations, LUX is already on the move !
With years of expertise in organizing receptions and private events, we take care of your precious moments. From your child’s princess wish to the D-Day, we designing your «tailor-made» dream. Entrust us with your wish, we will give you the keys !

Let LUX amaze you.


Definition: Lumina Unicus experientia.
What would you do if you had the choice between the impossible and the extraordinary ? With the strength of our curiosity and talents, LUX can propel you into adventures envied by the imagination…

Let LUX go above and beyond for you.

For miracles, allow 48 hours !

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